pic: Happy Holidays: CD Cards

does anyone recognize anything… :wink:

I believe I can make out what seems to be a plague in the background…that has a picture of a team holding up a blue banner

Yay, my penguin card is in front :slight_smile:

I think I’m still missing a few card from a few people, and I know for a fact that Adam Richards hasn’t even purchased his yet. Once I get all my cards I will post a picture of them in this thread.

/me nominates that all pictures of CD Christmas cards be posted in this thread only.

/me agrees with michelle. no use starting a zillion threads.

i see my snowman-on-candy-cane-skis card!


All of yours are stuck on my wall, I’ll post a picture when I find it.
Michelle… at least Adam is sending his last year SOMEONE cough Joe cough didn’t even send his out at all.
BTW Adam… I better be getting a card soon! I have a spot net to Michelles all ready for yours!

i think mine are going to be late… a little…:slight_smile:
(they are on their way though)

LOL…the “67 OWNED” Card

Actually I have them purchased, they just haven’t been touched yet. You can thank Circuit City for not giving me any more than two days off in the past couple weeks for this (Christmas will be the first day in a week I have off, and in the previous week, I was out of town). When I have almost 40 hours clocked in the past 3 days at work, there isn’t much time to do anything else. You guys should see them before the new year.

That is exactly as I said it, I opened the card and they went ALL over me. I IMed someone else who was on this list and I was like “I got 67 owned” and they responded with “Oh, you got Anna’s card?”

C’mon you slackers, get those cards out there!

That is so not what you told me on Tuesday.

HAHAHAHA… I sympathize with you Adam. I had the same situation, but with the planes (aka…work at the airport). But mine are on the way…(the hidden GPS tells me they are close)

So keep an eye open and mail box key ready to roll:D


PS I wanna see who solves the alphabetical soduku first:cool:

Just got back from vacation, and nowthat the mail’s all come in, I figured I’d post a pic of my own.

& of course, Delphi’s in the background…what else? [sheesh, how much more of a nerd can I be?]

Happy New Year, all!

I see my CSI card in the background, Lol.

i got 3 cards so far, seems to take a while to get to Canada. And i sent mine out last Friday Dec 14th, hope everybody is getting them