pic: Hoodlum Invades Robotics Team


Hoodlum Welding Gear www.hoodlum-welding.com, known for the most outrageous welding helmets conceived and designed by Long Beach field welders, donated three helmets to Beach Cities Robotics Team 294.

Summer 2002 team member Marygrace Barron attended El Camino College welding class before her freshman year in high school. For the first time the team could do their own in-house welding because of Praxair donating supplies and the use of a TIG welder. Marygrace did all the welding for the team in Season 2003 while teaching co-members and students from other Southern California Robotics’ teams. The project was such a huge success that four more team members, including another female Veronica Newman, took the college class during summer 2003, and will be helping new Captain Marygrace Barron with their Season 2004 robot.