pic: How many hours at robotics to get to this point?


Ok, so it’s the day before the Muncie Scrimmage, and i had been in the shop for a while… how many hours do you think it took to get to this point?

PS. Regolith is not that comfy lol

LOL your not a true member of 1501 till someone takes a photo of you sleeping in the shop…The good old days.:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

yup that’s usually me at the restaurant after the regional. Although i’m usually zip tied to a chair by this point.

That looks like me at the Championship last year before Einstein. The flooring at the Georgia Dome isn’t that comfy either. (:

Actually with the right pillow it can be quite a nice sleeping surface, that’s why I always have my bag with me:D

yup knapsacks make naps at school comfortable

You know over the past four years I have found that any surface can become comfy during build season or events. I’ve slept everywhere and even if you don’t have a pillow a comfy hoody or your hands cane be just as well.

i found regolith to be comfy…
it conducted heat well at least <= )

Looks good enough to me, i had to sleep on a hard, cold, stone floor, with a bumper for a pillow, It was so restful, all 35 minutes of it.