pic: i did a FTC

EH its just a base so do with it as you will, i know little about the potential of the neverest motors so i just did a similar ratio to what i know works.

6 neverest 20:1 on the main drive (could be just 4 but i wanted to see how 6 would package) on a 3.25 in wheel for a 3.68 ft/s adjusted top speed

and a neverest 40 on a 3.25 wheel for a 1.84 ft/sec strafe

so there

It’s an interesting take, for sure. Not a lot of teams use tube frames, and it’s definitely more accessible than many FTC teams probably realize.

Some notes:

  1. FTC limits teams to 8 motors, so the 4-motor version is going to be the play for that. (Indeed, part of the reason you see mecanum as much as you do there is because it only needs 4 motors instead of 5.) The nice thing about this setup is that a team could abandon the strafe without too much stress if they needed that fourth motor somewhere else.
  2. Good choice using the bare NeveRest motors to achieve the 20:1 reduction in spur gears; the NR20 gearhead isn’t quite robust enough for the slamming and banging of drivetrains. What are you using for gears?
  3. I love your method of suspending the strafe module. Very easy to tune!

Is that a hint about an upcoming product?

Hmmmm… how easy would it be to swap the neverest motors for 775pros on VPs? I’ve been thinking minibots lately :smiley:

No planetary, they are evil.

Why do you believe planetary gearboxes are evil?

A planetary gearbox killed his father. He doesn’t like to talk about it.

I do not mean to pry, but you don’t by any chance happen to have six planet gears in your first stage? My father was slaughtered by a six-geared man. He was a great gearmaker, my father. And when the six-geared man appeared and requested a special gear, my father took the job. He slaved a year before he was done. The six-geared man returned and demanded it, but at one-tenth his promised price. My father refused. Without a word, the six-geared man slashed him through the heart. I loved my father, so, naturally, challenged his murderer to a duel … I failed … the six-geared man did leave me alive with the six-geared sword, but he gave me these. (He touches a scar on each cheek) I was eleven years old. When I was strong enough, I dedicated my life to the study of fencing. So the next time we meet, I will not fail. I will go up to the six-geared man and say, “Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.”

(Oh man, I have too much time on my hands)

Suggestion: with H drive we learned this year is to give the center H wheel the ability to be actuated instead of suspended. This gives more traction on the center wheel, allowing it to straife. Without that, it straifeing will be hot or miss, depending on the surface you are on.

8wd Tank>


It’s a good look! I like the use of polycarbonate (I’m assuming) to keep debris and robots at bay. How thick is that? Judging by the structure underneath, I’m not sure it has to be super thick. (Plus, to make the flip-NeveRest setup stay within the sizing box, you’ll need a little room for the wires to make that turn. Hard to tell the relations of everything from that angle.)

Is there something else connecting the two sides other than the two large spacers/standoffs? I don’t have any experience with FTC, but I would think that you may have some problems with torsional rigidity.

It has a belly pan between the two sides, But ideally mechanisms for a game will be attached between the two drive modules aiding in rigidity.

One drivepod is 3" wide from polycarbonate bumper to inner plate, And 5" from neverest to gearbox.


another lazy sunday