pic: I love Extruded Aluminium!

We just got some new extruded aluminium from item Southeast. And it’s awesome!

Just say extruded aluminium…

Cool extrusion, but im more interested in the vex bot behind it.:stuck_out_tongue:

Does that have a turret?

Cool, I never heard of a kid so excited about a piece of aluminum.

Yeah, i’ll post a pic of the robot later…it does have a 3 axises rotating arm.

No really! Just say Extruded Aluminum! It’s FUN!:smiley: [size=]HAHAHAHA![/size] [/insanity]

(Sweetie Pie is looking pretty sweet back there with her three-axis arm!)

Looks like you’ve got a nice piece of Lexan back there too. I like that stuff better.

Interesting Vex bot back there though. Think you can post a close up pic?

As far as aluminum goes, I prefer it in tubing.
I must also agree with TechnoL, Lexan is great. If only it wasn’t so heavy, I would love to have a robot made almost completely out of Lexan.

Looks like a Drum Set Sound Enclosure to me for the stage. Keep the sound in so you can “mic” a drum set with some good old condensor microphones…

extruded aluminum…

…extruded aluminum…

not really feelin it…
maybe with a scottish accent. or canadian lingo, eh? wait, that said southeast… um… lets avoid another song by southern rockers to defend their quadrant of the country… its too catchy