pic: I loved Box Man's tic-tacs

Wasnt jack the stack cool. That is one stack that will never be knocked down or you will have to deal with several rather large rather angry members of 222.

Call me crazy but I got really suspicious while watching one of team 222’s matches.
The HP stack just walked onto the field by itself!
Now this picture explains everything.


All Hail Jack the Stack!!!

Jack the Stack!!..
Jack the Stack!!..
Jack the Stack!!!

Hey, thanks to all for being receptive and not trying to attack jack the stack… my fellow bodyguard and I only had to stop one attack the entire time we were in philly!!!

it definitely is a sign if a stack of boxes is handing you tic tacs through its mouth…


Never a sign when you see a stack handing out tic tacks just be careful of the squad of bodyguards near him.

*Originally posted by xavior06 *
**it definitely is a sign if a stack of boxes is handing you tic tacs through its mouth…

:confused: **

i think its a sign if a stack of boxes has a mouth