pic: Karthik sells T shirts


Note: Not his actual height :stuck_out_tongue:

That explains the height :smiley:

EDIT: Agh you beat me to it!

The thickness appears to be accurate though… :wink:

If I’m remembering correctly, that disembodied head comes from a much funnier picture…

Sorry Karthik, I was dared.

On a completely irrelevant note from bashing Karthik…SWEET SHIRTS!! :stuck_out_tongue:

And Steve, you definitely should have put on box over his head to bring back this look:

I don’t think Karthik sells for a mere $10. US OR Canadian.

Are you saying that $10 would be selling himself short? :stuck_out_tongue:

Heh I think only FIRSTer’s would see that being Karthik :stuck_out_tongue:

Still, LOL

Side node: Sick t-shirts

I never have had the pleasure(I can only assume) of meeting Karthik. I guess from his fans, that he is truly stellar.

Sorry, every now and again, I find myself unable to resist being cheesy.

Check the back of the shirt… if it doesn’t say “Delgado” then it isn’t Karthik!
