This is a tradition at 384… kissing the robot

Our tradition is that we are not allowed to cut any hair on our body till the competition is over. Basically w grow out our hair for about 4months. I have a huge fro right now and we have a month left
Should that be
Aaaaaawwwww …
Welll i look more like a teddy
hehe, i have hippie hair anyways, what do i care? xD
my tradition is, as soon as the robots shipped… get a hair cut… and trim the beard (i gots a goatee) and dont shave till atlanta…
gives me luck =D lol
In 2007 there were 4 Seniors left in the shop when the crating was over. There had been a robot hug here and there and then there was a request for a crate hug. Then they grabbed loose pool noodles and chased each other around the shop with them. It is one of my all-time favorite memories.
Heck of a way for testing for static charge or electrical shorts…