pic: Libby K's WHERE am I...


new year, new WAI!
in this case, i guess the W stands for where.

I wonder if you can find me…

ON THE COUCH… do i finally win? please say yes. I have been trying to win this for days, and you keeps saying NO KATIE YOU LOSE. way to lower my self esteem… :slight_smile:

Who wrote on the wall? :stuck_out_tongue:

haha, not my house. =P i wouldn’t know.

…ask Conor…its his ultra cool basement:)

Donagh is Conor’s uber brother…


Hey Conor…didn’t I tell you to stop playing with the crayons? :mad::yikes:

Nice picture, thats quite a nice couch your sitting on, I think I have one or two of those. Hey look! It’s my brother’s name on the wall! And some Ethernet cable that’s been hanging there for…months.

Joe you had to bring back Dez’s Darth Vader, good times. (Looks like the green table made a cameo in both pictures)

By: Libby K
New: 01-02-2007 08:40 PM
Updated: 01-02-2007 08:40 PM
Views: 3376 times
How in the world did this picture receive so many views in just three hours? :ahh:

I guess someone was just looking really really hard.

… did I just walk in on something?

20 minutes and I still can’t find her. I guess she will have to stay hidden in Conor’s basement forever. I do like the writing on the wall though Conor, nice touch.

Man, Libby, I can’t believe you can be invisible!
First you’re a Kamen, and now THIS?!?

Hey, Libby-how 'bout a game of hide-n-seek at NJ this year? :wink:

OOOOO…hide-n-seek…the Sovereign Bank Arena is pretty bigg.:rolleyes:

Oh, it’s ON!

[hint, my spot will probably be the 1923 pit, buried up to my eyeballs in robot parts. :stuck_out_tongue: ]

geez- these days I barely know where I am…

This reminds me of a game we played in 2005 at nationals. Our driver hid in some of the wierdest places. We called it “Where’s Tim” since that was the name of the person hiding.

There’s still alot more but I’m too lazy to resize and post them.

i’m liking the couch one. i guess hiding in/on/behind couches is the new cool thing? :stuck_out_tongue:

This is another one involving a couch.

I’m still surprised that we were able to actually fit him in the couch. It got pretty funny when someone walked into the room and asked why our couch was talking.