Everyone loves the M.C. Mark Leon so Ive Created this Shirt, if your interested let me know it’ll prob be around $20 with shipping. email me at [email protected] or Pm me. Thanks
This is for a preorder!
Haha, reminds me of a shirt we put up on our Robotics Shirt Store a few weeks back, but ours only says “Do the Math Save the World” and does not have Mark’s face on it.
Is there any reason why you’re selling these shirts? I was just curious because we set up our shirt store to help businesses in developing world countries through Kiva.
… this is a nice idea. But, with all due respect to the concept, have you asked Mark for his permission to use his likeness on the shirts? Since Mark is a Federal Government civil servant (as a NASA employee), and he acts as a MC at FIRST events as part of his official duties, this also requires permission from NASA. There are specific prohibitions and requirements associated with the use of NASA-related images (including those of NASA employees) for commercial purposes and/or anything that appears to be endorsement of, or participation in, an outside commercial activity that have to be satisfied. I don’t mean to be a buzzkill on this, but it is better that you hear it from us now than later on from some NASA lawyer that does not know about FIRST.
Yeah that came to my mind too.
I knew I should have had it copyrighted!
Thanks Dave. Ill have to look into this all before anything happens. I don’t want FIRST to get a bad rap or myself to get sued by NASA.
I don’t know if it helps but if you get his permission, I don’t see what NASA could say against that. I’m a little confused in how this whole permission thing works. It just seems like if the shirt really has nothing to do with NASA that they shouldn’t be concerned.
As long as NASA is signing his paychecks, everything he does reflects positively or negatively (or even neutrally) on them.
Think of it as a newspaper writer doing a story, or a photographer. As long as they have permission of the person or persons involved, there cannot be as lawsuit as long as those involved said they do not mind, for istance, having their photo taken or quotes put in print. And since Mark is an employee of NASA, like Dave said, they (may) have certain stipulations their employees might have to follow. If no permission is given (from Mark or NASA) and it was found out, that’s where the trouble could be. Pehaps Mark does work that NASA doesn’t want certain people to find out about - who knows!!! lol. I guess to make everyone happy, you should get permission just so there are no ifs, ands, or buts about anything. My guess is, as long as Mark’s permission is given VIA him, then it’s ok, hence there won’t be any NASA lawyers lol.
That would explain the hair… :yikes:
Does anyone know how I could get a hold of Mark Via email or contact NASA regarding this to get it approved?
I’m sure you could figure out his email address if you saw a couple NASA emails (and figured out their naming scheme) … but that’s no fun. You could also use google to find the NASA directory … but that’s no fun either! (psst, he works at the Ames Research Center). A couple years ago I was talking to him and he made a comment about how he doesn’t always respond to emails, but will respond to phone calls.
My best suggestion would be looking for him on the Curie field in Atlanta
Quoted for truth.
That would work if I was Going to Atlanta this year… but im not…Booooo.