I must. It is absolutely necessary.
awww. That is so cute!
… A true inspiration.
well gosh I can’t help it – awwww
This also comes to show you that Dean is literally willing to take children in his arms. I think that’s wonderful
Let’s not turn this into an “awwwwww” thread. Maybe someone could explain the photo for those of us who don’t know much about it.
It’s Dean Kamen and his neice when she was “young”
thanks for the awws. it’s me & dean back…in 1997, i believe. i’m almost positive.[which kind of explains the title]
my family actually told me to put it up here, to see what the reaction would be.
I believe the reaction would be
Yes. That is the general consensus.
You look so adorable in that picture.
Hrm I forgot to mention something else - AWWWWWWWWWW =)
uber awwww
I’ll be different. heh
It looks like the denim gene is either non-hereditary, or stays dormant in children.
Edit: Wanna guess how long it takes for this to make it in the Caption Contest? I’ll go with the under.
No, no, denim’s definitely in the genes. I wear jeans a lot. Most of my friends have only seen me in other kinds of pants, or even (GASP!) a skirt…once? Dresses mean it’s serious business. REALLY serious business.
I’ve decided to go with a more casual “aw”…
This inspires me to be an inspiree…son.