pic: Name the Mentor Round #3: Picture #1

Amanda Morrison


ya … its Amanda Morrison

Darn…others beat me to it…Amanda Morrison.

I wonder if she even supplied a picture…seeing that she has had her named guessed each week so far.

That is the most adorable thing ever, I’m with everyone so far, Amanda Morrison.

Yeah it looks like Amanda.
So is that going to be her new team’s uniform? :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll also go with Amanda.

hahahaha… Amanda Morrison!!! … wow

as we can see, the bunny is in it’s natural habitat…shag carpet

Amanda Morrison…I’ll take the free point.

What if we are all wrong? What fools we all would be.

Amanda Morrison

shag carpet is the best!


(i’ll get it this time hopefully)

Amanda Morrison all the way.
I sooooooo need copies of this photo.

Amanda Morrison, definitely

I say Amanda Morrison, too

Amanda Morrison

She said I’d know hers when I saw it–Amanda Morrison.

Amanda Morrison

Koko E…er, Amanda Morrison.

Ok, I’m goin with Amanda.