pic: New Drive System for 703

The new drive system for this year. We got sick of our tank treads snapping on us during matches so we decided to do 14 wheel drive. We will also be using a custom made gearbox that will have 2 speeds. Let me know what you guys thinks!!

How much does that weigh?

That is nuts. Can you give us anything about it, how it works. That is somethin else.

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very nice, i like the design, im assuming the bottom wheel is offset?, and do i spy geardrive?, my team was contemplating doing something similar, kudos to making it work

That’s my question as well…


very nice, good work

It looks promising, or maybe you have already tested it alot. How much does each wheel weight?

And it turns well enough?

It does weigh quite a bit so far, we’re working on ways to bring the weight down (Cheesing the wheels, and gears and such). I couldn’t tell you how much each wheel weighs right off hand but they’re not too bad.

We haven’t hooked up the motors yet but just from pushing it around we find that it seems to work better than our previous tread designs. More grip, it moves more freely and turns on a dime! It’s nearly impossible to push sideways (a problem we had with treads) and the gearbox should provide the speed and pushing power we’re looking for.

The center wheel does have an offset and yes, it is gear driven, no chains or belts! :smiley:

HoLy Canoli ! fourteen wheel drive? idler gears!! Expensive!! who’s sponsoring you guys?

Well Delphi sponsors us thankfully. :slight_smile:


I think “Holy moly!!” about sums it up.

Do update and tells us how it drives once you hook it up. Also, once you figure out all of the numbers, could you tell me how much more it would weigh than your tread drive train?

That’s really something.

i am very impressed and that does not happen often. One way i have noticed to drastically reduce weight is to go lexan wheels. Get a big block of it and make the wheels, 1126 has been doing that for a few years and the base gets better and better every year.

Won’t the wheels take more power?

This is made of win. :smiley:

I don’t know the exact numbers but I believe someone mentioned it was a little under than twice the weight of our previous drive systems. I’ll get the exact numbers as soon as I can.

We thought of something like that but we decided we didn’t want to compromise the integrity of the wheels. We figured we could get away with drilling holes in the wheels and gears plus we plan to extensively use Carbon Fiber composites.

We suspected it probably would however our initial tests have shown us otherwise. It actually appears to take less effort than our previous tread drives! :yikes:

Our team uses UHWM (Ultra High Molecular Weight Polypropolyne), our sponser stocks various sizes (such as the 4" round stock we use), we cut blanks the thickness we want the wheels and toss 'em on a cnc to get the desired hub pattern, our wheel weight with sprockets and tread are roughly .4 pounds apiece

:yikes: :eek: :ahh: WOW…
and I loved your drive system last year, the 6 motor drive tank drive was really nice. But this is just WOW, I hope it works well for you guys this year, my only concern is the weight of 14 wheels. Great work once again from the 703 folks.

Niiiiiicccee… :yikes: :cool:

What was your reasoning for the extra wheels besides being cool?