pic: Next years robot


So me and another guy from my team were think this might make one awsome robot for next year. (sorry, for some reason I cant reply to the threads)

nice bot tooo bad we will think of somethin bigger and better


Something tells me that its shooter blows the muzzle velocity limit to pieces…

But I have no doubts about its defensive capabilities.

Lighten it up a little to bring it in under the 120 pound weight limit, and I think you will have something there!


I’m seeing some potential for work envelope problems…hmm.

so then, what you’re saying is…
strip off all the metal on that thing… except stuff that you REALLY need

Could this be a hint for next year’s game? Before the Championship, even?!

Geeze, Dave, I think you’re slipping. :wink:

i was at a RC convention in toledo today and they have RC verions for sale so maybe… wink wink

Nice! Where did you get those fancy treads?

Whoah! Why’d you guys steal 1517’s robot?

Backstory: At BAE 1517 had quite the drive system. Great use of tank treads (which happens very rarely in FIRST). One problem. They tipped in every match on Friday. So on saturday they unbolted their shooter mechanism (which accounted for all of their weight above 8", and replaced it with a spray painted cardboard box to look like a tank (I’ll see if I have any pictures of it).

Ya see, here in New England, we take our defense wicked seriously.

When I saw this picture I thought someone from 1511 posted it.

That turret looks pretty effective though. All you have to do is get FIRST to keep the poof balls take out the 12 m/s rule next year, and you’ll be all set.

I wonder if it is possible to get that under 120 lb :rolleyes:

Anybody got a drill to lighten that thing up?

Oh yeah, It might need to fit inside the starting envelope too :stuck_out_tongue:

break out the 12 inch hole saw, its time for speed holes

<cough>ahem, Richmond Regional, week 1<cough>

Sounds like a good Project for Rolling Thunder! :smiley:

Actually 120lbs. is this year’s limit, next year’s might be different so this stab in the dark will probaly fit the weight limit, maybe. So what’s the code like?

That would be interesting…Having the power of an ARMY Tank under 120 lbs…and I thought the shooting was already too entertaining :yikes:

Florida Regional: Coach stopped coaching in the match just to say “Uh, guys, my head just got poofed.” :smiley:

12 Inch Hole Saw, You think thats big enough, Just strip the plating off of it and lay it on the CNC machine :] . If we can’t lighten up the tank to the 120 lb weight limit you think maybe we can get away with lightening up an APC instead. (APC = Armored Personnel Carrier or something like that)

Believe it or not there has been many teams over the past few years that have used tank treads and it actually worked for them.

In 2001 Team 522 used the tank treads as way to help them to get under and over the limbo bar - which worked quite well attached is a picture.

In 2004 Team 1097 used from what I can remember the same type of tank treads so that they can get on top of the platforms can’t seem to find a picture of their robot =( I think it was 1097 anyway all I remember was they were from CA and I believe an all boys school.

And various other teams who have also used a similar drive train. Tank Treads you can’t go wrong with as long as they are mounted correctly and being used for the right applications =)

