pic: Probably not a teaser

Because lame teasers that don’t show any of the robot are being discouraged this year, I’m sharing an art project I’m working on, entitled “Tube in Flight”. This definitely has nothing to do with our robot.

I consider a “lame” teaser to be, for example, some IFI wheels and some chain or something. You guys have a history of competitive robots, so now I wanna see what you’re gonna do! :cool:

But, aren’t you kinda stealing Buzz’s idea? :stuck_out_tongue:

So I guess you are just going to leave us up in the air… <grin>

lol. Thats actually Dave Lavery’s new spaceship. Pretty awesome, isn’t it?

It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s SUPER-TUBE!

Great. Now look what you’ve done. Now the next update is going to include maximum muzzle velocity rules, and we’ll have to shield our “shooter”. Too bad there isn’t anyone this year to “hokey-pokey” the ringers onto the spider legs…

Can’t wait to see what teams have at competition!

Good luck this season.


Our team was on the practice field considering game strategies and someone brought up HP’s tossing tubes at the rack.

Foolishly, I offered to take the first practice toss – and immediately lodged a ringer in a steel rafter. Had to go get a step ladder and a ten foot pole to knock it back down. What a dweeb!:o

are you calling this lame? http://www.chiefdelphi.com/media/photos/26246

Just wait for competition…heh…

Next time toss it around somewhere where there’s ceiling fans…atleast make it interesting for us…:stuck_out_tongue: