pic: RAGE Bot at the UTC Regional

Here’s the 2003 RAGE bot on Saturday of the UTC Regional.

Had to chuckle when I saw this picture. On Friday a couple of our friends from R.A.G.E. were looking around for some wood glue - to repair some spliters in their plywood chassis. We did not have any due to 177’s strict no wood policy, but it looks like they found it :-).

*Originally posted by P.J. Baker *
**Had to chuckle when I saw this picture. On Friday a couple of our friends from R.A.G.E. were looking around for some wood glue - to repair some spliters in their plywood chassis. We did not have any due to 177’s strict no wood policy, but it looks like they found it :-). **

Yeah, they had to get it from us.

Thank You Paragon.

Heh, wasn’t splinters, try large hole punched into the back end. We got rammed good out there a few times. All you wood haters should take note that it only took a few minutes to repair instead of re-welding a chassis…:stuck_out_tongue: