Here’s a shot of the 2011 version of ROBBE. He’s almost ready to be bagged up. Team 56 will be at the DC and Philly Regionals.
Looks really good guys. I’m really looking forward to Philly!
Being a huge fan of your 2007 robot, I am xtremely excited to see this robot in action. Robbe from 2007 was a scoring machine.
Looks excellent guys! 56 never disappoints, and looks like this year they have done the same. I can’t wait to see it in action!
Very elegant design. The electronics are very clean. Nice job. Good luck in DC and Philly.
One of my favorite moments from 2007 was going one-on-one with 56 in a practice match on Galileo. Between the two robots, I think we put up 15 tubes in one of the matches. I wonder if any videos exist.
Yet another great looking bot from Team 56. Looking forward to running the field with you guys in Philly!
Fantastic robot! I always love checking out the pictures of 56’s finalized robot. Good luck at your competitions.
I noticed that surgical tubing near the pivot of the arm, and I was a tad curious. I am guessing that the center tower (the x-bar on the angle) is able to move up and down, with the surgical tubing pulling the arm up for that extra height?
Regardless, very nice design and beautiful framework.
Jerry, very solid looking as always I will hopefully see you scouting at jersey… otherwise we meet in DC. I am looking forward to this.
Not for extra height, but takes some of the load off the motors that raise the arm. A spring-loaded counterweight, if you will
Looks good! not that I haven’t seen it being used all build season
(guy from Ethicon’s FTC team )
Xcellent robot, see you in Philly.