pic: Robot 2017

Couple of suggestions: I noticed that your battery terminals and main circuit breaker are not insulated, please cover them. There are different ways of doing it, you can search on CD for options. The simplest way is to cover the terminals with electrical tape, a good one (3M tape comes in KOP). Also the battery cable is bolted to terminal with longer bolts/screws, if possible just keep them as long as you really need. The threads can cut into electrical tape or any insulation you use. Also during the match please make sure that big Anderson connector is secured and its not dangling. The shaking wires can loosen the wires.

Is your radio sitting on aluminum plate/sheet? If so can you mount on non-metalic board like polycarbonate or plywood sheet? Secure both power and ethernet cable to radio. In general, secure all wires to prevent them from poping out during a match.

Overall I give you guys Neat/10

Pretty good for rookies, but if you want to improve I’d recommend looking online at other teams and their gear mechanisms to see what you can add to make your robot more effective. Good gear robots with reliable climbs make excellent 2nd picks (As I’m sure you know from your success in the Northern Lights Regional.)

Another thing to consider improving is your climber. Making it easier to line up and grab the rope by having a wider funnel, or using velcro on a wider spool, is a great way to make your climb more reliable.

EDIT: Tungrus is right, if you don’t have heat shrink tubing available to cover those battery terminals, some electrical tape would do the job.

Using shorter screws on the battery terminals (2-3 threads protruding from nut) will make it easier to insulate the terminals. This insulation also has to cover the crimp lugs and the nuts and bolts. I usually use 2-3 layers of 3M brand electrical tape (don’t bother with the junk from Harbor Freight).

When Tungrus suggested mounting the radio on a piece of polycarb, I don’t think he meant to just add a piece of polycarb between the radio and the metal plate. What is meant is that you should mount the radio as far away from large metal surfaces/plates as possible. Large metal surfaces block the radio waves. A bracket on the piece of polycarb on the side by your Signal Light would be a good place. Just make sure it is on the inside so it doesn’t get hit by another robot. You also want to make the radio removable since you will have to get it programmed at the beginning of each tournament you attend.

Best of luck!