This is a pic of our robot and 3 others hanging on the bar at YPSI. It looked like a big pile of aluminum and wires. Pretty exciting
Ahh… did they have to lower the bar fo that one? Looks dangerous to take off. I sure am good our bot didnt get stuck in that big jumble of metal. Good driving to the drivers who got there bots up with other bots up like that! (not being sarcastic)
Reminds me of the lobster tank at the supermarket with them climbing on top of each other like that. That had to be fun to take apart. Maybe they should’ve TIG welded them together into a modern art sculpture.
And they said 4 robots couldn’t fit on the bar…
It just goes to how you how crazy these matches can get!
Hint Theres only 3 bots hanging Hint
Well that would make one very interesting piece of are.
not sure that the teams that are hanging there would fell the same way they just might like there robots back.
Of course 4 can’t fit…they didn’t take into account they can intermingle :ahh:
yea i see that too
They also had four robots hanging at once during the BAE regioanl if I remember correctly but saldy one of them was counted as ineligble for the points
yes, it was ruled that it was “leaning” or was assisted by one of the other hanging robots (at BAE that is)
i wouldnt call this a robot junk yard but yet a robot masterpeice
Acutually, I think they got a ladder out. They had to do that at least once at GLR because the robots were so tangled. I think it was this match, although I may be wrong. It’s happened before.
“One man’s trash is another man’s treasure”
to me it looks like one of them got up first, then two winched themselves up, and the fourth tried to group hug. Now if only our robot drivers could figure out how to hang in the first place…
this was one of my favorite matches at GLR. i believe it was the first match of the finals… it was this match where a lot of the robots in the finals got beat up bad. we almost twisted our arm off in this match, as you can see in the pic (we’re the team whose bottom is up and facing us). :yikes:
LoL thats crazy… must have been a thrill to get down.
And Ed… I’ll see you tom. at the plant!
nice job too all of those hanging…and nearly hanging robots. This was a very exciting match.
This was real interesting because it was two robots which “curl” to hang against two that winch themselves up. If I remeber correctly, they were all hanging by the buzzer.
Yeah, that was our bad… our alliance partner was barely touching the HDPE; granted team 213’s robot was on top of it at the time.
It’s a @#@#@#@# shame they wont be going to Nats this year. Team 40 had an awesome hangerbot