pic: See something familiar? #2

I was driving up I-95 this weekend and as i 3was passing cocoa beach i was on the phone with arefin and he was telling me about his car having a 233 ticket on it. i also noticed that i was about to hit that number on my Trip OD. Notice the superior quality of my picture compared to arefin's

I was driving up I-95 this weekend and as i 3was passing cocoa beach i was on the phone with arefin and he was telling me about his car having a 233 ticket on it. i also noticed that i was about to hit that number on my Trip OD. Notice the superior quality of my picture compared to arefin’s


I know you’re an accomplished driver, but why are you taking pictures of your dashboard, while on the phone, while going 86 mph?!? :eek:

i know i know not the safest thing in the world. Dont do this at home Kids!

It’s sort of illegal too…

Yeah, that’s a bit fast. It’s a Ford right? Edit: I guess it is Mazda (B series?, equivalent of Ford Ranger)

Haha Pwn3d.

And yeah thats a little of an un-safe speed don’t cha think?

Only you would do something like this… I don’t think even Aerifin is that crazy, and thats pretty bad there.

hahaha… you have no idea. (Cory pointed out that it is not cool to discuss illegal things like this on the forum… so I can’t share) but to some respective members on the forum (specially Neha): Please don’t tell them how crazy I am.

Tytus has a Mazda B2500 (truck) now.


eh, don’t you get run over if you’re going below 80? well okay i’m stretching it but going AT the speed limit means you’re going to get cut off by everyone on the road and that poses a greater safety hazard.
[this is written is slight sarcasm…i’m not here to argue i’m just playing around]

Well all illegalities aside its either a tribut to team 233 or future team 9395.

Notice the team 87(mph) or the 139(km/h) reference too…

Actually, I’d sort of agree, at least on some freeways here. At times, the freeway will have an average volume or cars and the fast lane will maintain a speed of around 80mph. It is actually a pretty common thing. I’ve seen people go like 68 (speed limit is 65) in the fast lane and hold up traffic for about a mile. The freeway was free and clear in front of them and packed behind them. Everyone’s got somewhere to be, and most people want to get there faster. And when you encounter someone just “out for an afternoon drive” I’d say a significant percentage of drivers don’t like that. I know I don’t. If the freeway is flowing at a good rate, I go with the flow, even if the flow is faster than the speed limit.

Also, one kind of funny thing is that quite a few times cops have come up right behind me when I’m doing 75-80mph. And every single time it turns out that they were only trying to get around me, and then they do, and proceed to accelerate up to about 90mph.

Hey! Karthik, you’re canadian. You will use the metric system.
140 km/h :stuck_out_tongue:

And… my guess is the heiroglyphics of the sailboat inbetween the large H and C in which your arrow is pointing at has to mean something…


Other than that, the only thing I can think of is that if you took your picture 4 miles later then you would of had a really cool number on your trip tick. :smiley:

I was talking to a police officer I’m friends with about this subject. He says he speeds a little just so he doesn’t slow people down. He also told me about the most amazing speeding ticket he ever gave he ever made. He was driving 70 on a 65 mph road and this woman passes him going 80. When he pulls her over he says “Mam I was going 70 on a 65 mph road and you passed me pretty fast. Do you know what that means Mam?” she replies “Yes sir, you were speeding on duty.” That takes some guts.

in a hurry are you? lol

He actually has 93,95X miles on it. The first zero is for when you roll the odometer over. The tenths column is in the trip odometer.

or stupidity! :stuck_out_tongue:

You were on the phone, going 86 mph on I-95 (fairly common), while taking a picture at the same time? Where your knees on the steering wheel? I pray you had your seatbelt on. Now is a good time to emphasize usage of safety glasses… :smiley:

Remember, everyone, it’s Tytus. He’s used to driving things ridiculously fast.

So… the more important thing is; did she get out of getting a ticket?
They always speed on duty… I hope she got out of it.