pic: Shaker Robotics Shooter

This is our shooter for 2012. It is on a lazy susan which is difficult to see in this render.

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Looks pretty sweet. are those BB 550’s or FPs?

That camera is awfully close to the wheel…
Cool angle adjuster though!

I’m pretty sure they are 775s on a 4:1 BB transmission

It is a bit close in this render. It should be moved out to the end of the platform. It will be able to tilt completely and still avoid the wheels.

As far as motors, we avoid the 775s at all costs. We are using FPs with a 4:1 reduction just like O’Sancheski said, but it is a custom transmission, not a BB.

That hood design is interesting. I take it you also have a method of regulating the amount of air going to the cylinder so it is truly adjustable, rather than a 2 stage hood?

looks functionally similar to what we are doing with year. The only thing that worries me is your camera placement. Have you checked the vibrations you are going to get having the camera that close to the wheels?

It’s a motor on a lead screw.

Very nice. Our hoods are remarkably similar in design. We also chose a leadscrew for a few reasons. The top two being fine adjustment capability and also the resistance the leadscrew had on the hood torquing as a ball went through. The screw acts a mechanical stop as opposed to driving it at the pivot point with a longish moment arm.

Looking forward to seeing it all together.


Oh. Those do not need air adjustment. :rolleyes: I like that idea then. Next question would be what system would be used to know the placement of the hood? First thought would have been a pot or an encoder, but I’m not sure where one would be mounted to be used.

I’ll let Jack go into more detail on this one, but if memory serves me correctly, 2791 is using two 500-series motors (want to say FP’s last I spoke with Jack) and a custom spur transmission.

Also, 2791 has come a long way from the wooden Claw PVC arm days of 2011. Hehehe.

Is there a reason to avoid the 775s? We have been using them and have not found a problem with them yet.

The 775-18 Motors have been problematic in previous years.

Here is a thread that will tell you everything you need to know: http://www.chiefdelphi.com/forums/showthread.php?t=91733&highlight=Banebot+775

Hopefully this prevents 2791’s thread from turning into another 775 discussion.

We used one of last year’s FP motors on our shooter because we had it already. We didn’t have any 775s because we took apart the one we got last year, to see why it had so little resistance from the shaft to the wire terminals.

I like the Shaker shooter, reminds me of 1717 in 2009 :slight_smile:

Underscored for truth.
We have our camera mounted on the same platform as our turreted shooter; the vibrations are quite severe.

Is there a known remedy for this problem? Perhaps mounting the camera on some foam to try and reduce the vibrations?

I’m guessing we’re going to discover the camera vibration issue some time tonight…should be entertaining.

If you look at the render there is a piece of aluminum that is bent on the right hand side as you look at it. A pot will be inserted in there and held in place with a simple piece of Lexan and double sided tape attached to the base (not shown here)