pic: Sorting drill bits

This is Dustin, one of our new TechnoKats. This picture was taken a few minutes before I bought him a Coke, for working so hard at sorting drill bits. He spent about two hours, continually sorting these darn things. We have many drill bits on this table. With 40 people on the team, thy get mixed up quickly. Dustin is "the man".

Also in this picture is Austin Butler (one of our 2 student leaders) teaching a freshman how to use the mill.


Can we rent Dustin for an afternoon?

Looks like the one drawer of our toolbox except each of our 5 + drill bit containers have missing drill bits and the rest of the drawer is just full of random bits…


“were is the 13/64’’ drill bit for a 1/4 20 tap hole???”

“I need a 1/4’’ drill bit for a 1/4 20 bolt through hole!”

Oh the pain

The most annoying part of random scattered bits is when the drill bit size numbers can no longer be read due to various reasons.

CALIPERS! :rolleyes:

I guess I contribute to the mess so I can’t complain all that much!

Wow… I would pay that kid more then a coke. I remember when I was on team 45, the last thing anybody ever wanted to do was sort drill bits. I can remember clearly that they were always scattered all over that table and you would spend minutes with a set of calipers trying to find the size you needed. I’d have to agree with Andy here, Dustin is “the man”.

Well, at least that is better than the question we get on a regular basis (from one of our engineers! *): “I need a 1/4” drill bit so I can tap a 1/4-20 hole"


  • there is a reason we don’t let the software guys near the hardware…

Sad report folks…some of those drill bits aren’t in the right order anymore…still looks awesome but just a few have gotten out of place. I must say though, Dustin is one heck of a freshman…could we compare him to me? :stuck_out_tongue: And no people I don’t think he’s for rent…And yes he is the man, master of the drill bits! :slight_smile: (inside joke)

Dude we have our new people do that TOOOO !! :yikes: but they are all taller than me and dont listen

wow… the pain…the pain… poor Dustin…
hmm…have you had him sort washers yet? :cool:

Sorry folks, but I was wrong…Dustin is not a freshman, he is a fellow sophomore. I was made quite aware of this at tkats tonight so I figure it’s worth calling him a “Super Sophomore!”

oh i feel bad for him. i generally get stuck with that job. it’s not very fun but you do learn the sizes well enough. at least your not coloring coding Allan wrenches with nail polish- i got the joy of doing that for my team the past few years and i get to do it again before we ship. I’m glad we finally have a better box to hold our bits.

happy sorting and putting tools away :smiley:

I had the same job earlier this year. I was getting annoyed by the ziploc bags of random bits, and the large indexs we had laying around. Of course, they were empty. I was using a caliper at first, but after i realized that alot of the bot shanks were messed up by people who dont know how to tighten a chuck, i just went down to work and “borrowed” the drill bit gague. I sorted about 2000 bits in an hour. I wish our freshamn were competant enough to do that job.

I remember doing that job, it was the only way I learned how to find the right drill bit. That is a hard job though cause people always come up and take a bit then just drop it on the table near you so you have to find where it goes all over again. I hate it when the size is all rubbed off and you have to use the calipers to get it right. But its all good. :stuck_out_tongue:

Nice…nice…too nice that makes me mad