pic: SPAM's Capes At The 2012 Championship Event

I had some downtime and was wandering around the different booths in the Pits area and I saw SPAM’s capes. The team members were very quiet, focusing on writing on index cards. I looked up from their capes and found the Index Card Quilt. (I don’t know the real name but that is what I call it. Please provide the name and sponsor if you know who created this incredible project.)

“This would be from FRC team 2936, Gatorzilla from Dickinson, Texas.” ~ Paul W. Johnson, FRC 1429, Team KAOS

“My name is Miguel Tellez I am the CEO & One of the chairman’s people for FIRST team 2936 the Gatorzillas! I’m glad to see this post. The official name of the quilt is “The Quilt Of Change”. The index cards have personal statements of how FIRST has changed them, or how because of FIRST they have meet wonderful mentors or role modelss in their life.
It was a great experience meeting new people and hearing their wonderful storys of change it was simply amazing!
You can go to our website Gatorzillas.com and click stories of change behind the bot for more amazing examples!” ~ Miguel Tellez

This is awesome. It looks like SPAM is in a pose ready to lift off and go tame the destructive robots, and save the world.

Not to mention, the quilt is a sweet idea!

I earned my spam cape this year.