pic: Strange thing found durng Adopt-A-Highway trash pick up

We (L; Harley Henline, R; Wayne Doenges) found this direction sign buried under 4 inches of dirt. The hospital has been gone for over 10 years.

Dave put it there 10 years ago as a clue, knowing that you would find it. Let the guessing begin… the sign is blue…water game, just kidding:rolleyes:

Some times it seems like we all have 1 track minds this time of year.

Did you look at the game from 2008? It was all one track … Im sorry for that joke.

Again, I call shenanigans, this cannot be 1501, there should be rivets.

That being said, weirdest thing Ive ever found on the side of a road was a dvd containing… inappropriate material … (according to its label) We also found enough parts from cars to build the front half of one. This was during a clean up for NHS.

Only sometimes?

P.S. Highway clean up… Green technology game? First team to make a 100 percent efficiency solar panel wins! (Yes, I know that’s not possible :P).

[obligatory “how much does it weigh” post follows]

How much does it weigh?


Actually that would be kind of cool to have signs like that which the robot has to recognize.

Love the hats.

Maybe if you dig deep enough you’ll find the hospital that went with the sign?


Now you just need to find three more - then you’ll truly be 4-H Robotics!

If you find two other signs, with a subscript 2 and an O … :eek:

you guys have way too much time on your hands :stuck_out_tongue:

back to planning on how to keep the giant pool of water from splashing over the sides during a 2:30m match.