This seemed to be the easiest way to depict the game in one picture for outside of FIRST people without getting technical. Also helps get them interested enough to click on the game animation link.
To make this more beneficial, Adding the names would be very beneficial.
Also, if you could bump up the font, It might make for a nice Quarter Page flier where this is on one side, and a brief game description with Scoring was on the back.
Ideally it would be great to get down to business card size, but I think 1/4 page is more likely as there is a lot of elements this year, and shrinking down to business card would be illegible for most.
I thought about adding the names to it, but this particular image was used for Facebook, where the amount of time a viewer looks at a single image is often very small.
The strategy sheet I have has the names and groups. The back also has score values and some more match pertinent info.
Thank you for the input! I will probably make a more technical version in between this and the match strategy sheet.