pic: Suffolk County PD Polic Robot


WHAT IN GODS NAME IS UP WITH THOSE TREADS!! anyone who saw, please try to explain, im very interested!

was this thing at some regional or somthing?

wow that looks like it might have a chance at passing the FIRST bot inspection checklist (size, weight…)

can it cap the goals?

can it reach the bar and hang itself? :c)

it wouldnt pass the weight or box test it ways well over 400 lbs. It also has a shotgun on the side.

What would they need the shotgun for…so far our robots have been popping the competition balls just fine without a shotgun. :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s a neat robot. Does anyone have any specs on it such as how it’s controlled, what voltage it runs on, motors, ect.?

We saw it in action (well, not the shotgun). It has an onboard camera so the police can look in on hostile situations while out of harms way. Acoording the the SCPD it has an attachement that allows it to reach up to a second-story window (so I think it could probably go for the fifty-point bonus). It looks and drives like a tank and although I didn’t hear much of what they said about it, just watching it was amazing. Also, from what I could see it was controlled remotely by one person with a mounted control pad (shoulder-strap I think) so they can walk with it while it goes. It has a range of about a quarter-mile.

I want one, possibly several.