pic: Team 100 CALGames Robot

Just a preview for all teams that will be attending the 2005 CALGames this year. This robot is in construction, and is a joint effort of Team 100 and X51 Production Company.

I know the picture doesn't show much of how it works, so questions and comments are welcome.

I like it. Looks like a very rigid arm structure and a very effective setup. It seems like you will be doing multipositioning with the pneumatics so I assume the compressor will be running full time. Is that a motor in between the pneumatic cylinders? If so, what is it for?

Also, it looks like you are doing a 6 motor drive. Big thumbs up to that! :cool: :wink:

I’m curious as to why the double wheels? To be sure you are applying the power of that 6 motor drive? :smiley:

PS. Is this thing built yet?

The arm is actually an interesting setup. The vandoor motor drives the arm via chain & sprockets, and the pneumatics drive a cam which also drive the arm – in short it’s a motor powered, pneumatic-cam assisted arm.
And yep, the double wheels are to get as much traction as possible.

So far the transmissions are about 95% built.

I like it alot, especially the way each side has its catamaran wheel setup (never was partial to rectangles). Im wondering about pneumatics though. I try to stay away from them because of weight, lack of fine control, air leakage, (even on the best system you get this), and the potntial damage of a tube getting snagged. Unless their is a specific reason you want to use them i would say stick to motors. Is it possible to do a close up of the wheel assembly? I would love to see it! :smiley: Nice work.

My guess would be because they only have two window motors, the van door, and a globe to work with.

It already needs pneumatics to shift, so they can’t avoid the weight penalty of the accumulators or compressor, anyways.

Cory is right. We decided to do it the simple mechanical way, difficult control way. It will take quite a few sensors and soleniods to control this, but it is just tedious, but not overyly complicated. And I’m not the programmer, thank god.

As for those interested in specs:

High: 15 fps
Low: 8 fps
12 skyway 6" wheels with wedgetop tread, riveted on
Chassis: 1x1 .125" wall all around
Arm support: assortment of 1x1, 2x1, 3x1, all .125" wall
Arm: 2" tubing, .125" wall
Armor: .125" aluminum plating, all around
Motors: 4 CIMs, 2 FPs, 1 van door
Pneumatics: two 6" stroke, 1.5" bore, one .5" stroke, .75" bore
weight: 110 lbs (without battery)

6 motor two speed? Shweeet! I have GOT to see this once you get some pics. I sooo wish we were going to Cal Games, it would be a perfect matchup for our HexaMax 6 motor](http://www.chiefdelphi.com/forums/showthread.php?t=35266) 2 speed drive.

I’m glad someone else was crazy enough to make one this year.

Yours looks pretty small/light. Are you doing an additional chain reduction outside the box or is it all in the box?

PS. When/where is Cal Games going to be anyway?

Yep, there’s a pretty large chain reduction from the gearbox to the wheels (12:60).
Also, torque figures: about 107lb-ft in low, 67lb-ft in high.

And I think Cal games might not be happening :frowning:
Maybe I can make the team go to an SCRRF off-season event.

Unfortunately, the smart money has it that CalGames has slid into the dumper this year. There’s still a possibility that there will be something short of a full 2005 FIRST competition.