pic: Team 11 (MORT) DT Teaser


our drive train, finished…

We took our bot to our school lobby and tooled it around to see how it would perform…and it was spectacular…

we pushed against it, and it pushed us across the carpet…we stood on top and it drove around like it was nothing…quite impressive for us…let us know what u think (more pics to come)

o the awesomeness of team 11

cant wait to see it in action :wink:

Ah another one of those awesome drive train. I have always been a fan of your powerful machines.

seems a lot of teams are going with the Colson Wheels this year, great call!

many builders for battlebots have been using colson’s for a long time and they hold up great, plus have reallllllly good traction!

looks good guys!

Looks really good!

Are those colson wheels though designed for metal? I find one advantage that you can use on carpet is that you can dig into it. All of these solid rubber wheels seem to not take advantage of this carpet feature at all.

heres a view on the colson’s over pneu’s…

have you ever tried to push casters on carpet with something heavy on the casters??? it takes a lot of UMMPH to get them to budge…

same theory applies to bots…yes, they are solid rubber, BUT they are soft(to a point) too…If i had my way, screw skyway, hello colson!

Question for you guys: How come you made your wheelbase so short? It looks like your front wheels (I’m going to assume the side facing us is the front) are only about 2/3 of the way forward on the robot? For better turning?

Good job, looks good, as usual

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4WD, and we turn on a dime…thats why theyre so close

That is a nice “low-rider”