pic: Team 116 Teaser

OoohhH! Look at all the pretty, new, 144-tooth, cast iron gears straight from Boston! But why so big? And why so many??

I know you know what u are doing. You know… the whole I have 2 robots on Mars thing.:wink:
But if said gears go on a robot… are you gonna have enough weight for some of the necessity like drive motors… and a battery?! :ahh:
I hope it works out well…btw…they are kinda pretty :smiley:

hmm, what are they for, your must be gearing down a lot for something. Also, how much does one weight and what is the diameter?

Did you get them just to post a pic on here and brag about your insanely cool gears?

My first hunch, since there are six of them, is that these are to be wheels of some sort. Interesting.

Did you notice Dave’s comment about weight in this thraed?

Those do look really nice, but man they also look heavy to… maybe 116 is just going to use those as extra weight.

Maybe just for making plaques for special awards??

glue those together, and make 3 more of them, and that would be one cool looking tetra…so IMHO, the teaser is that Dave is giving up his NASA job to become an industrial artist. :wink:

Not a problem - they are a lot lighter now since we threw away most of the gear (or at least they WERE a lot lighter until we had to go and bolt them to those big ol’ omni-wheels!):