pic: Team 1188's Current Design

Our current design for team 1188. With fabrication well underway hopefully there are no major design errors, like vertical numbers that are not allowed… :frowning:

I expect that you’re allowed to have the numbers as shown, as “decoration”…but you still need to have some black numbers on a white background, as specified in the rules, eh?

You could move the team numbers onto the side and also onto the black flat surface on your elevator.

I’m curious as to what the pistons in the back do

My guess is that horizontal one ejects the stack. The vertical one I’m not so sure about.

How are you handling side loads? The slightest mislignment of the elevator siderails can cause racking if you don’t have bearings of some sort there.

EDIT:How are you braking your elevator?
Is that piston in the back for ejecting a stack?
Are you certain that your carriage bearings and 2x1 can take the loads of the tote stack you will be handling?

I remembered seeing this yesterday in the Q&A:

Game - The Robot » General Robot Design
Q207 Q. In R2, can the team number be vertical on the robot on at least one side? - FRC4470 on 2015-01-17

A. No, a vertical team number could be ambiguous, and doesn’t meet the requirements of R2. - Published by GDC

Nice! I like the actuated flappers for switching between totes and containers and the simplicity with which you actuate them with the vertical cylinder.

I also like the full bracing of the towers with the sheet material. Looks good and great place for sponsor stickers!!

What are those three sensor boards I spy on the forklift backplate?

Some quick answers:

  • Horizontal pistons - Correct, they push the stack onto scoring platforms.
  • Vertical piston - Pushes on a pulley to act as a break.
  • Blue circles - These are not sensors but the back side of the pulley shafts. There are three pulleys on the back side of the board that the belt wraps through.

As for racking, we are concerned. Our hope is that the overall design is stiff enough and our lift belt straight enough that it does not rack. Unfortunately there is not a great way to test this without building it so we’re gonna charge ahead!

Here’s some progress picks as of last night: http://imgur.com/a/bUKq0