pic: Team 125 wiring


This is a picture of our wiring so far. We will have a mini-tower for our electronics; this is the first level.

Just curious, but was there some reason for only using every other slot on the fuse panel?

From the documentation I believe you are supposed to work your way down one after another. I know there has been discussion about lowering voltages and thus current draw, and also for it to interface with the serial connections.

But i was wondering if there was a specific reason why you folks chose to do it that way, because it happened to catch my eye.

Rock on, looks great other then that!


I used those slots mainly for aesthetic reasons, really. It says on the panel itself to start with slot number 1 and continue numerically, but as far as I could tell, that’s just a guideline, and some other layouts I’ve seen have not been following that protocol. If I find out that it will cause problems, I’ll redo it; it just won’t look as stylish.

I would rather have a functional robot than a pretty robot, but if I can make it work and look cool, I will!

It’s very nice!!

I don’t believe it should be a problem. And aside from aesthetics, it will also make it easier to get the fuses in and out if necessary.

I seem to only see one 40 amp fuse? Are you not using the CIM’s? I doubt that youd have them on a 20 amp, plus they have to be on a speed controller. Or am i jumping to conclusions and its not done yet

It’s not done yet! I’ll post another picture when it’s further along.

I see how skipping every other one would cut down clutter bigtime.

Are you planning as you go, or do you already have all the electrical components laid out?

I had the layout of the components planned out and I had a slight idea of the wiring job, but my team isn’t as nice to the Electronics team as it is to, say, the drivetrain team, so I am forced to be pretty flexible.

Overall, though, it’s going pretty well; I’ve gotten pretty far with my Electronics team suffrage efforts. This year is much better than last year, Electronics-wise. Last year we had roughly 1 cubic inch for electrical components, and this year we’re allotted much more space, which is nice.

They still make me mill my own lexan, though.

clean…good job