pic: Team 1322 2008 Robot

This years robot is ready to roll, we can pick the ball up and hurdle it over the over pass. We can also remove the oponets ball from the over pass, all this with out stoping. Check out our secrate weapon, we have bats that can hit the other teams ball backwards so they have to go all the way around to get it.

Too bad you are given a penalty for removing the opponents balls from the overpass. So i don’t think you want to do that.

No, you aren’t. In Hybrid, they get the points. In teleop, you risk their getting a hurdle. It’s a legal, legitimate strategy.

You’re thinking of last year’s game.

There is no penalty for removing the opposing alliance’s ball from either overpass. If done in hybrid mode they will receive the points for having one of their balls removed, but there is no penalty associated with this action at any time.