pic: Team 1345's 2007 Robot, The Condor.

Here is the 2007 robot. See you guys at the Florida regional.

Oh yea, here is a video…

“Blowin dro, twenty fo”

I don’t think that guys rapping about bot.

Nice robot. Looks like Florida really is going to be rockin’ this year.

Quick question: Why are there pool noodles…INSIDE your robot?

The Condor’s wings look quite inviting if I say so myself! Really impressed with the KISS manipulator too… would have never guessed it would work as well as it does.

I can’t wait for UCF… really was hoping to see you guys at the swamp scrimmage, but you gotta do what you gotta do to get done in time. Nice job!

Probably to dampen the impacts of robots coming up the ramps.

Looks like 116 wasn’t the only team to think of having human players throw directly to the bot over the wall (pity our design isn’t as receptive to it as yours is).

Again, another awesome robot 1345. I’ll love to play against you all at Florida.

fin i really hope we dont break it when we try to get on. good job cya at ucf

Looks good you guys…

Did I mention that we climb ramps pretty good…just keep that in mind

It really does look like a condor…

From Wikipedia:

“There are reports of adult animal weighing 11 to 15 kilograms…” - no weight issue here

“…with a wingspan of 2.8 to 3.6 meters…” - perfect for two robots

“They are able to fly after six months…” - a little longer build season and you could have gotten 90 points!

Condor Aye? Well thats cool. Looks awesome 1345, can’t wait to see yah at comps.


See you guys at FLR :smiley:


Uhhhh… they arn’t going to Finger Lakes Regional? And niether are you! I think you meant UCF (University of Central Florida) :wink:

Well, its actually known as the FLorida Regional, but other people refer to it as UCF, since that’s the true location of the regional. FLorida Regional and Finger Lakes Regional unfortunately have the same initials.

What ever happened to the Central FLorida Regional?

i’m surprised that the arm works as well as it does. But if it does, i guess that’s all you needs to.
The ramps look nice, and i really like the deploying mechanism.

That looks great I hope to see it in person.

I love the wing deployment and the speed of the arm you guys, and girls, are going to be a strong force this year, best of luck.

Looks good,

I like the bright orange bumpers.

Good Luck to 1345

Its amazing how easily you pick up from the floor. What a nice ramp as well, what is the angle on it?

Great lookin bot guys, your ramps look amazing, definetly love the bright orange bumpers you definetly won’t loose yourself in the chaos on the field. Best of luck to you guys and can’t wait to see you in full action at UCF

I like the caution tags on your bot. They add a bit of uniqueness to it and the colors.

That robot reminds me much of the stories of our 2001 robot CONDOR. I want to see how your wings deploy and how much better it looks in person.

Very nice Arefin and co. Looks amazing can’t wait to see it in action. The caution tape on the ramps is a nice saftey feature. The ramps appear to be pretty sturdy and effective looking. I like the simplicitly of it all. Good luck to 1345 see ya in a few weeks.
