A few more options:
- It’s surprisingly easy to generate a real involute using equations; this and this explain how to do it in Pro/E (but any CAD software ought to be able to do the same).
- If you can make do with an approximation instead, either follow the second method in the link above, or get GearGen (I think it’s shareware*) from here or here. (It’s a DOS program, so the interface might be a little unfamiliar nowadays…) This makes a sort of segmented polyline when exporting, with arcs that (as near as I can determine) are approximate. But thanks to modern, fast computers, you can create an arbitrarily large gear and scale it down to whatever degree of precision you need—so this isn’t a problem so long as your CAM software won’t choke on the geometry. (Note that all of those facets will make 3-D CAD really slow to regenerate; use the equation in that case, or just approximate it for visual purposes.)
*Does anyone even use that term anymore?