pic: Team 1657's goggle-wearing Tomato

This was made for the safety animation contest.
This is a shot of our tomato that isn't in the animation, the entire 30-second animation was done in 24 hours, two days before it needed to be submitted, the extra day was reserved for rendering, uploading, and whatnot.
We submitted it just in time, I don't expect an animation made in 24 hours to win, but it was fun and challenging nonetheless :wink:

The same goggles I used as a referance for the model saved me the very next day from a flying pecan- always wear saftey goggles!

Nice work. Particularly on the goggles. Certainly much better than the goggles we made for our animation.

Thanks, I needed to make OK looking goggles in a very short time, the technique is simple, and effective.
I didn’t see your animation, but good luck anyway!

I really like how simple it is, it achieves a very cartoonish feel without over complicating the scene. Nice work and good luck in the competition.


I agree.

Someone please tell me I wasn’t the only one who read that as “Google-wearing Tomato” and then got wicked confused… :stuck_out_tongue:

Very cool, though. Makes me wish I knew how to do stuff like that.


i feel your pain toast…

“goggle-wearing tomato!”

Needs a cucumber doesn’t it?