pic: Team 1676 gets tubing!


After getting some long awaited tubing we had to test it out.

We believe that the test was successful. =D

Ahhh! Nice to see that your shipment of “Freshman-In-A-Can” has arrived!

OOOh so they finally made human hampster tubing? I want some. On a more serious note, what would you be using that for?

Impressive and familiar?

My theory for it is hopper, feeder for balls or vacuum tube.

How much that sutff set you back?

It’s actually a mentor’s son. I’m not sure what it’s for (I’m IT, not Mechanical), but I think it’s either for the hopper or the feeder for our shooter.

It was like $90 a tube, which are maybe are maybe 4.5, 5 ft. long. One tube was 7", one (the one the mentor’s son is in) is 10"

It’s the tubing that is the feeder for our shooter. :slight_smile:

I have looked on the Internet and can not find where to get this tubing. What is it called and where can I find it? It looks perfect for a spiral hopper.