Pic: Team 1718

This is our robot for the 2008 season.

Do you think we can go fast enough?

Well, the top speed is 135 mph / 198 fps.

And you think 15 fps is fast.

Now the real question is, can we cut 250 lbs out of it with a hole saw???

All I can say is O_O

Apart from that nice looking robot. What wheels are those?

is that a hemi i smell?:cool:

cant wait to see you guys in action after last year was so good

Quick question do you see the large FORD sign behind it?

Quick answer… No thats NOT a hemi…
The hemi pasted this Ford bot two laps ago.

To catch a Mopar, takes a Mopar :smiley:

Nice robot you guys, what can we expect as far as hybrid goes? Lap times? How long does it take that lift to go up and down?

Oh and one more question, where are you guys going?

For hybrid we are removing the two balls.

Lap times? we move at 15 fps.

To move the arm up and down it takes about 1 - 2 seconds from bottom to the top.

We are attending the Detroit Regional and the Great Lakes Regional.

Powered by ford I see
looks awesome guys, just be careful you might twist the robot’s chassis with that much power under the hood, haha

haha i know its ford but i still couldnt resist the i smell a hemi line…

sorry if ive offended any of you:rolleyes: :smiley:

This looks like a cool robot, good luck and I hope to play with and against you again this year.

No, No, it’s o.k. Over here at Ford, we know you Hemi guys need anything you can find to help you feel better…:stuck_out_tongue: :smiley: