pic: Team 177 - Bobcat 2008

Here she is 9 motors and 4 pneumatic pistons later. Possibly the most complex Bobcat we have ever built. There are a few pieces missing in the picture, most notably the bungee cords we use to store catapult energy and the winch which sits in the hole in the back of the robot, which was getting some upgrades when these pictures were taken. See you all at the UTC Connecticut Regional and in Atlanta.

If you have any questions, please ask.

The Bobcats aren’t blue…

Looks good, Eric. Did you get your launcher working before you shipped it out?

After all the talk of rehashing 177’s 2001 robot for 2008, this seems to be a far cry from that relatively simple design from that year.

I’m surprised. :yikes:

Good luck, and see you in Hartford this year! :slight_smile:

Yes it works quite nicely.


The pneumatics we had on for the scrimmage didn’t have the power needed to stretch the bungees to their full length. On top of that, the originally ineffective claw broke in the first match at the scrimmage which basically rendered us a lapper bot.

Between the scrimmage and ship we were able to make a winch out of a spare Andymark shifter, more effective claw fingers and also incorporated a roller claw, which now makes all systems functional. The catapult works great when fired. With all systems go we can pick off/place on the overpass, pick up off the ground, and also launch.


See if you can find a photo of Bobcat '95 (I’ll post one if I get a hold of it). This robot was the true inspiration for the '08 Bobcat.


Not the best shot, and seems to have some parts missing, but:



there is also this one.

That is not the 95 Bobcat. All pictures from 95-99 on firstrobotics.net that are labeled 177 are incorrect. The picture Tommy posted is a good one.

Hey, 177, care to send me some pictures of the finished product?

looking pretty good 177!!