pic: Team 1868 Finished Frame

Here’s the finished frame for Team 1868

Could this possibly be triplets this year? (254/968/1868)

Btw, awesome looking frame, light and strong, the best of both worlds.

I was thinking, that frame looks like something the Poofs would use. I think you’re right, Chuck.

definately strong and sturdy.

Yeah, I don’t know where I got the inspiration for this design. It just came to me in the middle of the night…lol jk ;-). This chassis looks nice, but just wait until you see what 254/968 have been up to…

Sharing a shop with the poofs definitely has some perks…

That’s gonna be one good looking base. I’m gonna guess this is for a “West Coast Drive”?

Woah. Very nice. I’m noticing a lot of similarities between it and the 07 frame, which was an amazing drive base. Can’t wait to see what attaches to it.

We are always ancy to see what they come up with every year.:smiley:
I still have pics of when they brought their '99 to our school in Hawaii. That’s how we got started in '00.