pic: Team 2016 - Prowler

The 2013 version of our bot, renamed Prowler after the stance it will carry in match play…

General specs:
6 motor drive - 7:1 reduction 4" wheels
BAG motor 10:1 pickup
2 wheel linear shooter - BAG 3:1 and Mini-CIM 1:1

Weight as seen above: 89lbs

Climber - wait and see :slight_smile: its not on the bot, maybe a hint of it if you look hard enough.

Video will come soon.

We will be hosting TCNJ MAR event, and at Bridgewater-Raritan, and Cleveland.

See you on the other side.

Best of luck.

Another beautiful 2016 robot. Looks like a crazy scorer. Why not split the bumpers now that they allow it like you tied to do last year?

Corner climber due to the lexan v in the front?

That’s what I was thinking…

As always, a beautiful bot from you guys, can’t wait to see it in person at TCNJ. Very similar in design to ours.

What did you put on the outside of those banebots wheels? I’m curious as ours wear out pretty fast…

It looks like orange urethane belting from McMaster… Thats a smart Idea…

This is the quality I expect from 2016. Looking forward to competing with you.


Looks like you can do both floor pick-up and Feeder Station loading.
Looks like you figured out how to do floor pick-up but still have gravity feed the discs to a shooter below the pick-up. Very clever!
Looks sharp, good luck!

That would be correct, we were having issues with wear on the wheel also, figured it would be best to protect the wheels so we dont have to keep swapping wheels out and can just overlay the urethane on top. its a tight fit and works well.

Thanks for the other comments, yea we figured auton double pickup was huge hence the floor pickup and yes a tilt up and basically we can reach the human player loading point.

Climbing was a challenge, still is a challenge… risk reward will be highly weighed in our decision to actually put on a 30 point climber. Glad we are not at week 1 and hopefully should get a good idea from there whether it is a must or a nice to have.

An additional question I have is in what orientation does your robot start? Is the arm angles slightly up?

Yes, the arm is angled up so it is within the frame perimeter. it is held in by a spring loaded pin.

What drives the arm?

Arm is dirven by PG motor from AM with a 77:1 reduction or whatever the gearbox is. Its set in position by PID control.

Btw, we tried doing that with a snowblower but too much play in the snowblower so decided to use the PG motor instead.

Looking forward to seeing 2016 in action.

I sure miss FRC.