This is our robot the day before ship. It has a lift with a three arm pneumatic driven grabber and a top speed of 9.5 ft/s. We are all pleased that it works according to design. We are excited to be competing in both Portland and Seattle this year.
I would like to thank Team 1983 “Skunkworks” for their generous hospitality for letting us use their field and shop for the last week and a half.
I’ve been affectionately calling your robot the TIE Defender, revealing a bit too much about my past life as a raging nerd.
You’re quickly becoming a great team and Fred and I were both happy to see that you’ve built another solid robot this season. Your rookie season was fantastic and we can only expect more great things to come from you all.
We’re looking forward to competing with you in Portland and Tacoma. We got a lot of practice this weekend back at our lab and it seems like you all did, as well, down at Aviation HS.
I’ve been affectionately calling your robot the TIE Defender, revealing a bit too much about my past life as a raging nerd.
We have batted around the names of several Star Wars vehicles in describing it ourselves. However, I must agree that the TIE Defender is most appropriate.
You’re quickly becoming a great team and Fred and I were both happy to see that you’ve built another solid robot this season. Your rookie season was fantastic and we can only expect more great things to come from you all.
Thank you for your kind words. I have learned a lot from both you and Fred. We have taken much of your advice in constucting our chassis this season.
What is the red carpet and where did you get it? We got carpet for our practice course out of a dumpster behind a carpet vendor this year, and it wasn’t the nicest stuff.