pic: Team 2186 Robot teaser

This is our robot doing a 360 spin.

Im not positive on this…but i dont think the judges would allow for your robot to go almost the speed of light…

Sure they will. This is actually a single, non-manipulated shot. Straight off the film with a little cropping to make the robot centered.

The blue blurs are the only thing I can’t identify though. We have nothing that color on the bot that glows in two shades of blue.


It look like you might want to pretty up your wiring. looks like it is flying everywhere. :slight_smile:

It looks as though this was taken with a camera that has a really slow shutter speed.

I’m always shocked when I see wiring having a bad hair day.

Visualize Whirled Peas

It looks like good turning on a dime abilities.

Is the blue a backup battery?

That robot’s more hyper than a freshman after three cans of Monster. :stuck_out_tongue:

i hope going in a 360 makes the wiring look worse than it is

You have a backup battery that is about to fly off? :yikes:

…honestly though, centrifugal force is a good thing, it pulls the radio modem off when there’s a coding error. :rolleyes:

You guys got your time warp generator to work? dang…

Like say half a second on a Nikon Coolpix L4? I’m also gonna estimate a 19mm focal length.

It lookes like you built my little brother’s dream beyblade…

Centrifugal force, hmph.
You mean centripital force is a bad thing, which, if it was present, would prevent the radio modem from flying off.

Ya, you’d think that. It has more spazing on a dime abilities.

Actually, our backup is yellow.

Indeed, probably because a fresman was driving. He just had a few Redbulls, but close.

Yes, yes we did. We already won nationals but because I have said that, the time paradox will engulf the planet and no one will remember.

Close, think turn-of-the-century camera with the black cloth and flash powder.

We are hoping for that to be the '08 game.

Not as much as one might think, it flies most places, not everywhere.

And to think I was going to trash this photo:p .


You should check and make sure you can get to 88 mph before attempting that :stuck_out_tongue:

Our flux capacitor is a little loose but besides that, we should be able to. Maybe if we give it gullwing ramps…
