pic: Team 233 robot for 2k11

It’s the day after kickoff, and our robot is done:-)

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This other robot of yours looks a lot like it.

I’ve always wondered how the 233 telescope system works… now is as good a time as any I suppose:

  1. What slides against what? (bearings on a track, grooved wheels?)
  2. How is it extended/retracted? (cable? rack and pinion?)
  3. How much overlap is there between the sections at maximum extension?

Wer’e not particularly focused on a telescoping system for 2011, i’m just curious… :slight_smile:

Well that wasn’t so hard.

Can I borrow it?

Does it pick up the other two shapes as well as it picked up the tubes in 07? =)

Slap on some bumpers, and I think you might have it.

were the minibot going

Haha, you actually think that’ll make it to the finals of Einstein?? Good joke.

:slight_smile: Much love for the 233 bots.

Is this a joke?

Yes, that is their 07 robot. They were finalists on Einstein.

Probably on the bottom side of that nice pivoting arm they have. They telescope it backwards to deploy.


Yes, I do.

XD Our '07 robot is almost entirely disassembled, so it looks like it’s back to the drawing board :smiley:

Heh. And OUR '07 robot performed horribly, so it’s back to the drawing board for us, too…:yikes:

We are using ours as a counter-example! :cool:

I didn’t detect any sarcasm in Kit’s text…

Yes I have preveously seen footage of how well the did today a former mentor told me “build 233’s robot from’07 all yall will be good”

Honestly though. I wonder how many robots we see will be similar to this. I would lie if I said 1511 didn’t look heavily into the engineering of this robot and create ideas based off of it. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Beautiful bot. Still.

When they showed the playing pieces for this year in the video, I leaned over to our team’s president and said “I bet some teams will just be modifying their 2007 'bots”.

Our 07 robot is intact and operational and will probably inspire this years design.
It was a very good robot.