pic: Team 279's 2008 Robot

Is that a scissors lift that folds down and then goes up? That’s a pretty sweet idea. Do you have any video or pictures with a different view?

it looks and probably works as their 05 lift did. oh how nice it was!


I’m pretty sure that’s a telescoping tower. You can see several layers of sponsor signboards behind the one with 279 on it. I can’t see where the wires and tubing are coiled up, though. The two pneumatics in front would cause the cradle to move, to pick up the ball.

Is the light blue thing in back, possibly made out of pool noodle, a device to kick the ball out of the cradle? Or maybe to knock a ball off the Overpass?

I look forward to seeing this in competition. I still have fond memories of your unique tetra handling.

nice robot and i like the picture it looks pretty cool:yikes:

Ohhh it does look a lot like their 2005 robot. That robot was incredible.

The seniors on 166 know it well as “Backpack Bot” :smiley:

Looks nice and compact. Anything special about the drive system?

I love how compact it is. Can’t wait to see it in action. :slight_smile:

The lift is with a fork lift type sliding mechanism. We don’t have good videos yet to post.


The drivetrain is a single #25 chain on each side and is 4 wheel drive, using two Omni’s in the back and two traction wheels in the front - or vice-versa.