pic: TEAM 401's Finished Bot

Team 401 is proud to present their finished robot for the 2007 competition.

Robot Capabilities:

120 lbs - 4’ high starting position.
Gripper capable of picking up and scoring on all three rack levels.
Ramp/Truss that can fold down for endgame

Ramp: 76" Long - 36" Wide
Capable of holding two robots 12" high.

Mecanum Drive

Feel free to post any comments /questions!

Nice looking bot for the Hokies this year. I look forward to seeing it in action at VCU! Good luck this year guys.

yeah- i’m definitley going to look out for you this year. It looks really sweet.

i like the design u did with the ramp and arm being one its simple yet complicated

“Simple, yet complicated” is the best description i’ve heard.