pic: Team #461 Drivetrain


Look at our crazy Bling Bling rubber wheels and the horrible mess of tubes and wires, silly electrical team! Look its our robots bottom half!

wow those wheels are shiny!
go 461 with shiny wheels!

shiny wheels win always.

haah bling bling, thats awesome! :stuck_out_tongue:

what’s with the blurred out areas? does the bot have privates or something? :wink:

Are you guys hiding some sort of “secret” motor/gearbox configuration? Good job on your robot.

Are you guys stacking, or something else? I was just wondering about what things your bot can do. Looks nice though. I like how compact you guys made everything.

check out some of the other threads about our bot to see exactly what we are doing…the blurred out areas were already discussed at length here:

yes it does have privates if u must know!

lets all go nuts robots robotS!

Well as always a truely nice job. I wouldn’t expect anything less from my good friends at Purdue. I am always interested in seeing what you guys come up with. Great job on the the drivetrain from last year, however it looks to me as that was dropped as was my team’s Kiwi drive system.

Shannon, I will see you think weekend in Cleveland, be ready for some Truck alumni stories… :slight_smile:

thanks for the kind words!

Oooo. No kiwi drive:( That was one of the coolest drives i have ever seen, though the controls seemed kind of awkward.

Yes the crab system was dropped because we decided though we almost had all the problems worked out by the end of the season but there were alot of issues with our design, we opted for an easier design that we knew we could have working before we even left, thus the tank drive:)

Good luck this year!
