pic: Team 522 Robo Wizards Mckee H.S. Staten Island N.Y.


GLORIA IS COMING!!!Say a prayer.

awesome bot

im psyched to see you guys in action

See Ya tomorrow!

Can’t wait to see how strong Gloria is :smiley:

What can it do? Can it fit under the ramp?

I think it does, and it tips over too. And Congratulations on the regional Dealy.

We only tipped due to an unfortunate late door opening. As you can see we are designed to climb in the front. This happened once and, although we took a hard flip off the ramp we managed to stay together and have nothing brake in 28 matches. This is to me and outstanding accomplishment. I believe we were the only team in the pit to have nothing to do but help others. Go team!.

Yah I know you didn’t open the door but it was still cool since we flipped both of you guys over.

Looks pretty good…

GREAT BOT!!! I think you are/were the most powerful robot at philly. I was sorry to see you lose in the quarters.

You guys had an amazing bot and I was glad to drive with you at Philly. We just ran into some bad luck. I really look forward to seeing you guys at nationals, maybe we could pair up again to regain some respect. You guys had an awesome bot and I really liked watching you push off two bots while making it to the ramp for KOH. I would like to see that a couple more times. Great job, keep up the good work.:smiley:

Team 365,

You guys wouldn’t have a tape of the philly regional would You. I am kinda anxious to see how all the teams did since i was un able to make it due to prior (boring family quality time) engagments. hehe

BTW - i watched u guys participating at the chesapeak regional and u guys had a cool stacking robot. the only issue i say with gerinomoe was that the stacks kept getting knocked over by your opposing alliance.

now thats a tank, have you checked www.soap108.com, they seem to have all matches from their regionals, and some footage from others.

You guys have a great set of treads on that robot as always. You even managed to get them in purple color. You always make good tread bots. I remember the snowmobile trends u used three years ago. I can’t wait to see the fresh treads u put on for nats, the current set was pretty worn after two regionals.

We do have tape of the regional (not me personally). I’ll see if someone will divx encode and send you the movies, but http://www.soap108.com/2003/movies/pa/ should have the movies in a couple days. It was braodcast on the NASA site.

I will have to agree with everyone else in pointing out the fact that you guys have a great machine and also point out the fact that we never broke either.

Hey Robowizards!!

congrats for winning New York!! You guys were awsome, as a team and as neighbors in the pits. Why arent you going for the Chairmans award? your represent gracious profesionalism at its best!

Kevin Antaki
Team 481
Engineering Inspiration at Sacramento
Second Place in NYC
Sportsmanship in NYC
5th Place animation in Sacramento

Hey Robowizards!!

Congrats for winning New York!! You guys were awsome, as a team and as neighbors in the pits. Why arent you going for the Chairmans award? Your team represents gracious profesionalism at its best!

Kevin Antaki
Team 481
Engineering Inspiration at Sacramento
Second Place in NYC
Sportsmanship in NYC
5th Place animation in Sacramento

i believe the robot ure referring to in 2001 was WILMA. She was a great creation designed and built by a very determined team where failure was and still is not part of the equation / BOM or option . and believe it or not she is still doing what she does best. :wink: just like all her sisters !!!

Team 522 thank you for making our team (212) feel at home. My students were happy for the oportuninty to make friends and you guys were very nice to them. Hope to see you guys next year.

Dr. Michael Krop H.S.

No problem…