Top 12ft/s. Low 4ft/s. Dog shift style. We actually had two CIM motors per gearbox, instead of one as shown here.
It was designed by me and a parent mentor. I would like to thank our hardworking student machinists who spent coutless hours on them(without CNC).
See ya all at the Championship!
These look really nice.
Can we get some specs?
-What speeds does it have?
-What size wheel was it hooked up to?
-How heavy per box?
-Was there any wear on them after a season of use?
Top 12ft/s. Low 4ft/s. Dog shift style. We actually had two CIM motors per gearbox, instead of one as shown here. We used six 4" home made wheels. The gearbox weights about 9.5 Ibs, that’s because we drilled as many holes as we can on each gears…lol. As far as I could tell there was no wear on them. They do make noisy sound though…lol
It was designed by me and a parent mentor. I would like to thank our hardworking student machinists who spent countless hours on them(without CNC).
See ya all at the Championship!