pic: Team 973 Teaser 4.... is that pedro?

Arm has been removed for this picture… Can’t give away too much. Anyone want to guess some team numbers that influenced it?

330 for the arm, and 254/968 for the drive? The drive probably starts even farther back, maybe to the days of the 254/60 collaboration (if I remember correctly).

Obviously 60 for west coast cantilever drive (however the chassis is a little modified from the original design). (Poofs/RAWC just do it very well, but 60 started it)

330 probably for their 2 staged geared fisher price single jointed arm

Pneumatics are totally 254’s past. I think I know your design, no offense, because I know you grew up in SoCal and how much you like the west coast styles… but who doesn’t :wink:

Just a small question though, how the heck are the sides going to get bumpers? Standoffs? because I wouldnt know what team thats from as 254/968 make little posts between the wheels I believe.

That’s a modified version of the 2004 60/254 design, looks more like their later revisions of it.

Either way … looks nice. I really need to stop by your shop some time. On a side note Adam, we’re acquired a large warehouse (more than enough to set up a full field I’m told) … so maybe you guys should bring the bot down before you ship it :rolleyes:

Well, since Adam and I are buddies, I’ve seen it. I think I know what you’re thinking, and I think you’re pretty close.

how the bumpers will connect to the frame?

Oh dear no! You have to go further back than that! You see team 190 was actually the first to use wheels on a robot. So therefore we must call all teams that use wheels “190-style” robots. Please, give credit where it is due! (;))

On a more serious note…

I hear that you make your wheels out of modified pulleys. I would be very interested to learn more about this, and also where said pulleys could be purchased.

I think I know the design, too…all but the gripper, and I have some ideas there.

They probably will use blocks welded between the wheels to mount their bumpers. If you look at the front wheel it isn’t flush with the front of the robot, which leads me to believe the same goes for the back. So again, 254/968 influence from last year?

973 has been using this drive since at least 2005… Not entirely sure as I wasn’t on the team then, but it’s inspired by the “West Coast Drive” that was first ran by 60 years and years ago most likely; If not by that, then by a team that was inspired by 60’s original.

As for the arm, obviously 330… The manipulator is also heavily influenced by a championship winning team; although, the year they won is not the year that inspired the design.

That hectic jumble of wiring and pneumatics reminds me of our team’s prototype.


The electric team promises that it will be a lot neater by ship. Now we just got to hold them to it. :rolleyes:

And Grogs, Adam told who inspired it, they’re good teams to look for if you need inspiration.

i’m just saying it looks oddly like our robot from last year, wheels, drivetrain, almost everything except for we had an elevator, not an elbow

look here