pic: Teams 1270 and 1532 Frame...........Waiting to be welded

We lined up the frames on the shop floor the night before they were going to head over to the welder. The closest and the farthest ones are upside down, the middle one is right side up.

I count 4 cutouts on each side…8 wheel drive ??

according to their previous posts of some inventor files, yea that’s the frame for the super duper tank drive they got all planned out. it still looks massive!

Aww 1532… I remember that team. They were the team one of our students helped in the pits at Cleveland in 2005.

He spent the entire competition in their pit helping them get their robot working after it caught fire during practice rounds.

They won Rookie Inspiration and sent out a thank you to everyone who helped them when they went down to receive their award, but couldn’t remember our team number or the name of the student who helped them. We got a written and verbal thank you from them afterwards. :slight_smile:

It’s so great to see that they could have a successful year.

Yeah I remember that year, the robot did not actually catch fire though. One of the team members left a tether cable in the bot and it started to melt while rubbing between the ground and tire while driving, causing a lot of smoke. That was the year Team 1270 sponsored the Cleveland area consortium. We worked with like 12 high schools supplying our frame design leaving them to work on their superstructures, and assembly of the frames. The Youth Technology Academy has taken on 1532 as a partner team this year because it seemed to make sense since the team members participate in our year round activities. We have worked together since their rookie year but this year we are working side by side and both teams are taking college classes together at Cuyahoga Community College. We have shared ideas and worked with each other and the team members from the 2005 season have graduated but the new ones are looking forward to the Buckeye this year. As always teams 1532 and 1270 would love for anyone interested to come on down to our pit areas this year.:slight_smile:

So are there any questions about the frames?

How thick is the aluminum?

How much does what we see weigh? Do you know how much your entire traction module will weigh? (Wheels, Drive Components, Transmissions, Motors, Frame, Bearings, etc. (no electronic components beyond motors/servos))

Are those cross beams completely detached except for welding or are they from the same sheet?



The outside rails are 4" x 4" x .187" aluminum box, the inside crossmembers are 2" x 4" x .125".

The frame as shown plus the square plates to cover the front and back weighed in at 22.3 lbs, 7 pounds lighter than last year!! Last year the entire frame with chain, 4 CIM motors, transmissions, and wheels weighed in at 53 pounds.

Yes, those crossmembers are a seperate piece that get riveted on every inside corner then welded along the riveted bracket on top and bottom.
